The best way is to simply listen to these frequencies produced through special music organs, gongs, singing bowls etc. He gave the term love frequency to 528 Hz because he believed that this frequency can be seen in the ‘Heart’ of almost every single thing. Die Anzahl von starken Artikeln im Vergleich ist famos. Im Lieferumfang enthalten: Goldfarbene Metall-Stimmgabel, speziell auf die kreative Frequenz der Natur abgestimmt, 528 Hz, zusammen mit einem Gummihammer, um die Stimmgabel zu schlagen und die Freude der reinen 528 Hz Solfeggio Glückseligkeit zu erleben. Ich bin so froh, die Seite erspäht zu haben. Bei Alltagstätigkeiten neigt man eh zu einer leichten Trance. Playing these music at your home not only helps you, but helps the entire community. Everything in this world comprises of energy and every energy vibrates at a specific energy frequency. 528 Hz is one of best Solfeggio frequencies which has a very relaxing effect on mind and body and listening the music during bedtime can help people with sleep disorders by boosting sleep quality. Miracle Tones - Healing Frequencies, 528Hz DNA Reparation Music of Love and Stress Relief, Sound Healing from Earthly Solfeggio Frequencies, SOUNDENERGY 528 Hz MI for DNA Repair Healing Aluminum Alloy Tuning Fork part of Solfeggio Tuning Fork-Perfect Healing Musical Instrument, Set of 9 Healing Solfeggio Tuning Forks in a Lightweight Carry Bag -, Sleeping Music: Healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Alpha Waves, Theta Waves, Delta Waves, Soothing Tones and Calm Music For Relaxation, Brainwave Entrainment and Deep Sleep, Vol. Enthaltene Frequenzen: 13 Hz - 30 Hz binaurale Beats. 528 hz is love frequency. Nov 29, 2019 - Explore Myrna D'Ambrosio's board "528 HZ", followed by 415 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about sound healing, sacred geometry, solfeggio frequencies. Länge 6 Minuten. 852Hz– This helps you develop intuition and see truth, 741Hz– This vibration allows you to cleanse your energy and to engage in problem solving. Frequency 444 is though not a part of the classical Solfeggio scale, still it is a very powerful healer as it stimulates the Chakra of Heart. 3. Its most deep rooted and loves encouraging frequency to naturally develop relationships with nature and chlorophyling human DNA. 528 HZ is also said to be one of the Solfeggio Frequencies which you can learn more about here! This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. According to Dr. Horowitz, all-natural healing of our bodies occurs from sonic waves or vibrations resonating throughout the Universe as long as we purposely with intention tune into them. Details. Most people talking about Miss Synergy giving them bad experiences because she uses 528 hz frequencies which is a frequency that connects to the saturn cube matrix. Apparently, an individual by the name of Dr. Joseph Puleo (in mid-1970s) discovered "solfeggio frequencies" through a series of pareidolic numerological calculations involving Bible verses, and it is claimed that these frequencies are "ancient" and "sacred" and were frequently used and sung before being "forgotten" by the modern world.How we were able to measure the exact frequency of sound back then is not addressed. Stop using Solfeggio frequency/528 hz. Aufgrund dieser sechs Codes sollen sich die Frequenzen auf die Quersummen 3, 6 und 9 reduzieren lassen. * 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition * 852 Hz - Rückkehr zur spirituellen Ordnung. These frequencies can now be produced with the Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks. been specially crafted the Ancient Solfeggio Scale and Healing 396 Hz Authors About the with this series. 528 Hz Living Water is a popular song by Sound Bath & Deap Sleap & Solfeggio Sound Bath | Create your own TikTok videos with the 528 Hz Living Water song and … In Versandhäusern können Sie jederzeit 528 hz love zu sich nach Hause bestellen. Solfeggio und 432 Hz. Dein Powerprogramm für unterwegs. Sie soll auf wundersame Weise geschädigte DNA wieder heilen. 432 Hz. The monks used the original six Solfeggio notes in their Gregorian chants, which we now know to consist of the frequencies: 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852 (Hertz). 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. 528 Hz (MI): Transformation, Miracles & DNA Repair. He gave the term love frequency to 528 Hz because he believed that this frequency can be seen in the ‘Heart’ of almost every single thing. Increase the effects of this frequency by incorporating toning and mediation. Die Solfeggio-Frequenzen sind folgende: 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz. So bestätigen zum Beispiel mikrobiologische Forschungen die Potenzen der Solfeggio-Frequenzwerte. Dr. Leonard Horowith, who introduced the conceptual idea of 528 Hz says that the frequency is the very core of “Musical mathematical matrix of creation”. Tibetisch-buddhistischen Handglocken mit geprägtem tibetischen Drachen namens Naga dekoriert - ein auspcious Symbol im tibetischen Buddhismus. The process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects – increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Frequencies 62-68 Hz are also great for the replenishment of the powers of physical bodies. They found that the frequency 528Hz was having an unbelievable healing effect on all the physical things. Nach ungefähr 5 Minuten erfolgt die Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz. Die Frequenz haben eine göttliche heilende Wirkung auf dich. In Forschungsarbeiten der Molekularbiologie zeigte sich, dass es mithilfe vom 528 hz Ton tatsächlich möglich ist, defekte DNA zu reparieren. Solfeggio 528 Hz With OM Mantra Chanting (BONUS Track) Mantra Chanting BEAUTIFUL TIBETAN BUDDHIST HEART CHAKRA TINGSHA CYMBALS REIK,I SPACE CLEARING. Nein, im Gegenteil. Es ist die am meisten untersuchte Frequenz unter den Solfeggios. Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz – Die Frequenz der Transformation, Wunder und Zeichen, Reparatur von DNA Der Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz wird eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zugesprochen, weil Versuche und Untersuchungen im Bereich der Molekularbiologie zeigten, dass mit Hilfe dieser Frequenz es möglich war, eine defekte DNA zu reparieren. There are many solfeggio frequencies used in specific conditions. This scale is based off the Hymn to John the Baptist. All of these Solfeggio frequencies are believed to be significant for healing, spirituality, emotional tranquilly and much. auf dass unterstützt den Internetnutzer nicht nur durch … Download. Thus, it is pertinent to know which energies are good and which are particularly bad. We have chosen specific types of music and sounds to match the specific solfeggio frequency listed. 417Hz– This helps you do deal with the changes in a more constructive way. 528 Hz Solfeggio Meditation: Miracles, Unconditional. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankin… Though different, we see in the Solfeggio frequencies the harmonization between 6 and 9 (along with 3). In Pythagorean math, 432 reduces to 9, while 528 reduces to 6. Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair)Tone ‘Mi’ is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. Länge 6 Minuten . Was wünschen Sie bei 528 hz love? Additionally the bowls may be found by using the above-mentioned sizes. The Solfeggio Frequencies – 528 Hz CD features the 528 Hz tone intermixed with a meditation audio track – the background track varies depending on the solfeggio frequency to help achieve the best listening experience for the end-user. These frequencies have different effects on us depending on the type of energy frequency it is. Was hat es mit der Solfeggio Tonfolge auf sich? This is why, frequency 528 is also known as ‘love and miracle tone.’ Sehr gut geeignet für Yoga, Massagen, Wellness-Behandlungen. An experiment conducted by John and Nancy Hutchinson in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 demonstrated the impact of 528 Hz on water. He gave the term love frequency to 528 Hz because he believed that this frequency can be seen in the ‘Heart’ of almost every single thing. Binaural Beats unterstützen dich um in den meditativen und enspannten Zustand zu kommen und deinen Körper in … 528 Hz soll nicht nur glücklich machen sondern auch die Gesundheit fördern. The love frequency connections everything from your heart to others hearts, your spiritual essence to a higher power, and all the cosmic forces that move the universe. Over the years it’s been changed, originally it was Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La. This frequency thus bonds one heart with all others, one heart with the higher self, one heart with all the forces of the universe. 05 – Solfeggio – 528 Hz – Wunder / Gesten (Zeichen) – Die Heilung der DNS/DNA 59:17 Minuten Preis: 11 € Diese Frequenz ist eine Frequenz die oft da gemessen wird, wo Menschen für Heilung zusammenkommen wie in Lourdes, Fatima und anderen Orten. Its most deep rooted and loves encouraging frequency to naturally develop relationships with … ∼If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!∼, Previous post: How to Protect Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, function go(){ While some frequencies can make us feel stressed or weary, others can make us feel calm and blissful. As you already know, the 528 tuning (which is the “C5″ in A=444Hz tuning) can be achieved by tuning the standard pitch +16 cents. To find 528 Hz bowls on our site use the search bar at the top right of the page and search for 528 Hz. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Solfeggio ? CHAKREN-AKTIVIERUNG (mit Solfeggio-Frequenzen): Stärkung der Energiezentren . Zudem soll sie glücklich und gesund machen, da sie direkt die Herzenergie anspricht. Here are some of the Benefits of 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music. Music toned to this frequency is regarded as tone of love, compassion, healing and curing. There are more significant differences, of course, namely that 432 Hz resonates with Earth’s natural frequency. There are many solfeggio frequencies used in specific conditions. People often use this frequency if they want a miracle tone or love frequency, which can also help cleanse your body of disease and sickness. Was sagt die Wissenschaft zu der 528 Hz Freqeunz dazu? in the C/C# note for instance 8" here , and then look for the bowls marked 528 Hz. QIYUN Tuning Fork, 528 Hz Tuning Fork with Silicone Hammer and Cleaning Cloth Solfeggio Tuning F… Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz: Frequenz der Transformation, DNA-Heilung und Wunder . Peaceful background sounds of nature, running water, OM mantra, tibetan healing bowls and solfeggio 528hz. Dein Powerprogramm für unterwegs. Certain Gregorian chants are using the Solfeggio scale, particularly the 528 Hz frequency for healing. One of the foremost promoters of the "solfeggio frequencies" is Leonard Horowitz, and f… Calming Sleep Music based on Solfeggio Frequency of 528Hz which is also known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, Frequency of Transformation. Es wird allerdings klar unterschieden nach der wahren Eigenschaft dieser Frequenzen und dem sie umgebenden Mythos. 396Hz– This removes guilt and help you achieve your goals. These are: 936Hz– This will allow you to connect to the ultimate soul. Aurora (Solfeggio 528hz with Theta Brainwave Entrainment) by Monroe Products Audio CD $9.98. Dies aktiviert unsere Vorstellungskraft, unsere Intuition und unsere Absicht für unseren höchsten und besten Zweck. Dr. Leonard Horowith, who introduced the conceptual idea of 528 Hz says that the frequency is the very core of “Musical mathematical matrix of creation”. 528 Hz is also known as the “Miracle” tone. The most popular misconception is that in order to achieve the 528 Hertz frequency you must tune the standard A4 up to 12 cents. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Solfeggio frequencies is a larger group of good vibrations of which the love frequency is just one. Each slider controls a particular Solfeggio frequency, and you can play several of them simultaneously if you like! Everyone and their mom knows about Pythagoras. 528 Hz The 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency is used for miracles and transformations, such as DNA repair. Wissenschaftlich bewiesen haben Sie es noch nicht. It is also for clarity and peace. Trag bitte Deinen Namen und Deine Emailadresse ein, und klick dann auf den Button. In my opinion, this is wrong. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. Zur Verstärkung der Wirkung erfolgt noch die Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz. Its mathematical significance is proving healing energy. sich für ihre heilsame Wirkung öffnen. FREE Shipping on orders over $25.00. It's harmful to blindly believe and follow any kind of random belief/cult like 528 Hz. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a pioneer in the search for the “lost” Solfeggio frequencies, 528 Hz resonates at the heart of everything that exists in the Universe, including the sun, pyramids, circles, squares, rainbows and snowflakes. How 528 Hz Affects Water. As we continue to work our way down the scale, we come to 528 Hz, which is also known as ‘Mi’. Enthaltene Frequenzen: 13 Hz - 30 Hz binaurale Beats. These frequencies are required by our body to maintain its balance. The Solfeggio Frequencies – 528 Hz CD features the 528 Hz tone intermixed with a meditation audio track – the background track varies depending on the solfeggio frequency to help achieve the best listening experience for the end-user. Die Handglocken haben einen Durchmesser von 60 mm und hängen an … 7, Solfeggio Healing Frequencies, Solfeggio Frequencies 528Hz, Miracle Tones. Solfeggio 2 Go . Dr. Leonard Horowith, who introduced the conceptual idea of 528 Hz says that the frequency is the very core of “Musical mathematical matrix of creation”. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the Pioneer of 528 Hz Healing Music, Responds to Mary Henderson, Producer of EmotionalFreedom.TV‘s Popular Blog, Questioning 432 Hertz Tuning, and Why There is a Battle Between 432 and 528 Advocates.. MARY HENDERSON’s QUESTION: Can you please shed some light on this for the people in this group who are confused. Visual and audio meditation! The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. Love & the 528 Hz Solfeggio. Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, also known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, DNA Repair Frequency, Frequency of Transformation is known for its powerful transformation effects on human body as it helps to return human DNA to its original, perfect state, followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy. It is also for clarity and peace. Mi is comes from the Latin word Mira gestorum, or “miracle”. This is a beautiful site. According to Professor Willi Apel, the origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. helfen Dir, noch schneller in die positive „Empfangsbereitschaft“ zu kommen. Dadurch spart man sich die Tour in einen Laden und hat die größte Produktauswahl allzeit sofort parat. This frequency is said to be very strong, so powerful that it can even restore the damages dome to DNA of a person (or animal, plant) and can restore the equilibrium forces of the nature. The frequency itself is just a frequency and means very little. Solfeggio frequencies, often promoted as "ancient solfeggio frequencies", are a crank concept in sound healing.They involve grandiose claims about a certain series of sound frequencies (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852 Hz) derived from a numerological system of family number groups. Forscher sagen, dass auf der Zellebene deine Zellen repariert werden. 528 hz - Solfeggio-Frequenz Bringt Verwandlungen und Spiegelungen in unser Leben. selbigen an allen Tagen x-malig aktualisierten Preisvergleich ergänzt vermittels eines Portfolios weiterführender relevanter Produktinformationen, am Boden Produktvideos, Testberichte und Nutzerbewertungen. Check our Solfeggio tones page here. Die 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequenz repariert die DNA, löst Blockaden und aktiviert dein Herzchakra 528 Hz ist die Frequenz der Liebe, der Transformation und der Hingabe an das göttliche. Dr. Leonard Horowith, who introduced the conceptual idea of 528 Hz says that the frequency is the very core of “Musical mathematical matrix of creation”. Home » The Love Frequency: Solfeggio 528 Hz. 528Hz- This frequency is believed to be capable of repairing DNA, attracting love and even attracting miracles in one’s life. 528 Hz: Transformation and Miracles of Spiritual DNA (Manipura) [Solar Plexus, 3rd Chakra] 528Hz The Miracle Tone Harrold, G: 528Hz Solfeggio Meditation. People often use this frequency if they want a miracle tone or love frequency, which can also help cleanse your body of disease and sickness. This guy single-handedly, around 570 to 500 B.C., moved Western civilization thousands of years into the future in terms of philosophy, mathematics, religion, and mysticism. Solfeggio 2 Go. The solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz can influence the water molecules that surround the human DNA helix, bringing healing effects on our DNA throughout our body. Diese sprechen besonders auf die Frequenzen ab 528 Hz an. Update: Das neuste zuerst: vom 1.2.2021 Ich habe einen anderen Namen für die Solfeggio Frequenzen – TRINITY FRQUENCIES. The 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency is used for miracles and transformations, such as DNA repair. Pythagoras - The True Discoverer of the 528 Hz Frequency. The power of vibrations was understood deeply by the 19th century physicist and scientist Nikola Tesla, who made the assertion that by limiting or eliminating some of the harmful energy vibrations, we can reduce the chances of getting a disease by significant margin. Discover Source Vibrations's top songs & albums, curated artist radio stations & more. It invokes progress, calm, healing, divine connection, feelings of love. (Purify Your Soul, Band 3) J.S. 528 Hz – The Love Frequency According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. Erstaunlicherweise ist die Frequenzzahl 528 Hz genau die Frequenz, die von Wissenschaftlern genutzt … Als Hintergrundmusik. Ist die 528 hz Musik schädlich? Right now I am listening to the 528 tone. Die "festen" Frequenzen (396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz.) Solfeggio tones were introduced by Dr. Joseph Puleo and Dr. Leonard Horowitz in the seventies. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Dabei kann man sich auch wunderbar gleichzeitig auf die Musik konzentrieren bzw. 639 Hz, 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequenz. window.location.href = '/flag-inappropriate-content?page=' + window.location.href; Amazing power Of 528 Hz. }, Copyright © 2018 – Higher Self Portal | Privacy Policy | DMCA Copyright Policy, How to Protect Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council. Die sechs Solfeggio Kernfrequenzen sind in folgender Liste abgebildet. This is fitting for a note that brings with it miraculous transformation, not only in our consciousness but our DNA. It was able to clear the area within 1Km radius in just 24 hours. Listening to music tuned to the Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz is associated with increased energy, clarity of mind, conscious awareness, awakened / activated … Researches claim its ability to the repair the DNA damages. Listen to Source Vibrations on Pandora today! Der Solfeggio Frequenz 528 Hz kommt eine besondere Bedeutung zu. It can repair dna but also gives you no protection and can send spirits/negative entities because you have none. Die Solfeggio – Frequenzen haben hier auch ihren Platz. 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequenz. Diese steht für Transformation (Veränderung), Reparatur der DNA in ihren ursprünglichen Zustand, sowie mehr Lebensenergie. However, form the therapeutic and research point of view, tone of frequency 528 Hz is vital. The 528 Hz frequency. Subliminal. beim Putzen, Bügeln, Zähne putzen…usw. 285 Hz – Dieser Ton ist nützlich bei der Behandlung von Wunden, Schnitten, Verbrennungen oder anderen Formen von beschädigtem Gewebe. Only 1 left in stock (more on the way). 528 hz is love frequency.. Benefits of 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. Solfeggio Frequencies – 528 Hz CD AUDIO DISC DESCRIPTION. Sonic Meditation by. Benefits of 528hz Solfeggio Frequency. Music Cd - 528 Hz Meditation. Esoteriker sehen in den Frequenzen ein sich wiederholendes Muster von sechs Codes. He gave the term love frequency to 528 Hz because he believed that this frequency can be seen in the ‘Heart’ of almost every single thing. Verfechter dieser Klänge berufen sich jedoch gern auf wissenschaftliche Fakten. Die 528 Hz Wirkung bildet die zentrale Frequenz der Solfeggio-Skala und ist gleichzeitig die wohl mit Abstand bemerkenswerteste Frequenz von allen. 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, 963 Hz High-quality aluminum forks are made in the USA. Kostenlos Downloaden! Thus, if proved significant, this will really be a breakthrough in medical field. The entire scale we know as a warm up for singers is the Do Re Me scale. That said, this article isn’t about sound therapy or major advancements in non-intrusive medical technology but actually focuses on a specific component of sound, a frequency which is said to have the ability to literally transform your DNA: one of six Solfeggio tones, MI, which resonates at 528 Hz. 396 Hz – Befreiung von Schuld und Angst; 417 Hz – Situationen rückgängig machen und den Wandel erleichtern; 528 Hz – Transformation und Wunder (DNA-Reparatur) 639 Hz – Verbindung/Beziehungen; 741 Hz – Ausdruck/Lösungen; 852 Hz – Rückkehr zur spirituellen Ordnung; Was ist eine Frequenz? This frequency is said to be very strong, so powerful that it can even restore the damages dome to DNA of a person (or animal, plant) and can restore the equilibrium forces of the nature. Tuning Fork 528 Hz MI - Upgraded Wider and Thicker - Deeper Voice Tuners with Massage Base - For Healing, DNA Repair - A part of Solfeggio Tuning Fork. In 2010, a scientific study was undertaken by some researchers from Vancouver who studied the effects of the BP oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. 528 Hz. Z.B. Sonic Meditation by 396 Hz Solfeggio. Heilende Frequenzen - Solfeggio 528 Hz - digital Download! Eine der wichtigsten aus den 9 Solfeggio Frequenzen. bei eBay. Solfeggio-Frequenzen und darauf basierende Musik mit angeblich heilsamer Wirkung, das klingt für viele nach Esoterik. Bach: Sechs Sonaten (BWV 525-530) [2 CDs] MUSTANG Damen 1146-528 Sneaker, 259 Graphit, 40 EU Seitlicher Reißverschluss für einen bequemen Ein- und Ausstieg; Schnürung für eine variable Passform; … We'll explain the significance of this in a moment. Ships from and sold by One such healing frequency is 528 Hz which is also known as The Love Frequency. Diese steht für Transformation (Veränderung), Reparatur der DNA in ihren ursprünglichen Zustand, sowie mehr Lebensenergie. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, Price and other details may vary based on size and color, bliss - 7.83Hz Schumann & 528Hz Solfeggio Brainwave Entrainment, Solfeggio 528 Hz - Miracle Frequency - Repair DNA & Regenerate Cells, 528hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation (Go to Sleep Version), 528hz Solfeggio Meditation: Transform Your Life, Repair DNA and Create Miracles, 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequencies - Delta Theta Healing Beta Waves Fibonacci Sequence, 528hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation (Awake Version), Solfeggio 528hz: Ambient Music, Binaural Beats and Healing Frequencies For Sleep Music, Deep Sleep Aid and Calm Sleeping Music, Solfeggio Frequencies 528Hz, Miracle Tones, Solfeggio, TFS Tuningforkshop 6 Pc Solfeggio Tuning Fork Including 528 hz with Mallet & Pouch, Solfeggio 528 hz 3th SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Transformation and Miracles DNA upgrade, Love Freq Boost Immunity Quantum Scalar Waves, Solfeggio 528 Hz With OM Mantra Chanting (BONUS Track), TFS Tuningforkshop 6 Sacred Solfeggio Healing Tuned Pipes Including 528 hz Louder Than Tuning Fork with Mallet & Hand Stand, Piano and 528 Hz Solfeggio Tone Sleep Loop, The Spirit of Healing - Isochronic Alpha and Solfeggio 528hz Healing Meditations, QIYUN Tuning Fork, 528 Hz Tuning Fork with Silicone Hammer and Cleaning Cloth Solfeggio Tuning Fork for DNA Repair Healing and Perfect Healing Musical Instrument, 528 Hz – Miracles: Healing Solfeggio Frequencies, DNA Healing & Repair, Cells Regeneration, Solfeggio Frequency (528 Hz Mending Dna: Cell Regeneration), Solfeggio 417Hz and 528Hz: Activate Qi Flow And Healing Energy, Bitray Tuning Fork, Aluminum Alloy 528 Hz Tuning Fork with Silicone Hammer and and Cleaning Cloth Solfeggio Tuning Fork for DNA Repair Healing and Healing Musical Instrument, The Frequency of LOVE: Pure Solfeggio 528 Hz (Tone), Purify Your Soul: 528hz Solfeggio Meditation (Transformation & Miracles), The Frequency of LOVE: Solfeggio 528 Hz (DNA Healing & Activating Higher Consciousness), Solfeggio Frequency Music at the Sea (528 Hz), The Frequency of LOVE: Solfeggio 528 Hz (Rain and Thunder), The Frequency of LOVE: Solfeggio 528 Hz (Theta 4Hz Brainwave), The Frequency of LOVE: Solfeggio 528 Hz (Harmonious Wind Chimes), All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies Meditation 174 Hz 285 Hz 396 Hz 417 Hz 528 Hz 639 Hz 741 Hz 852 Hz 963 Hz Chakra Quantum Scalar Waves, The Frequency of Love (528Hz Solfeggio Isochronic), LOVETUNER Meditation Tuning Necklace 528 hz Frequency of Love | Mindfulness Device for Anxiety & Stress Relief, The Frequency of LOVE: Solfeggio 528 Hz - DNA Healing & Activating Higher Consciousness, Vibrational Healing: 528Hz Solfeggio Frequencies and 432Hz Spa Relaxing Music for Yoga, Meditation and Chakra Alignment with Nature Sounds, TIBET EARTH - 7.83Hz Schumann and 528HZ Solfeggio Brainwave Entrainment, Love & Gratitude: Solfeggio Healing Frequencies (432hz & 528hz).

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